Time-line of The Wake Up Call



This is a short summary of each chapter of The Wake-Up Call story. I've written this just in case (like myself) you have forgotten what has happened over the previous two (two !!) years of the Hetch story line.

"Chapter 1: Terminal."

The story begins inside a 10-hour long shuttle flight with a newbie courier called 'Hetch'. He is the main character and meets the stewardess for the first time and realises the metal case (along with his artificial arm) is missing.

"Chapter 2: Lost and Found."

Hetch makes a visit to the lost and found department in the shuttle terminal after getting attacked by some religious cult. A huge amount of military movement is taking place. He learns about a bomb explosion at Rhyson, which makes him very nervous; after all, he doesn't know what cargo is inside the case.

"Chapter 1.03: Collecting dust"

He meets the mysterious little kid called 'Seven' for the first time. Using Seven's sugary sweet 'Fizz powder' Hetch escapes through the air vent nearly getting killed in a grenade explosion and frozen to death in the process. He regains his arm and case.

"Chapter 1.04: Fresh air"

Hetch escapes from the air vent into the women's locker room where he hacks open the stewardess' locker and scans through some of her personal possessions including a data recorder. On the way out he bumps into the stewardess again. They travel to the Eldora Tower. He enters her apartment and is ambushed by two huge ape-like goons who steal the case.

"Chapter 1.05: Busted."

He is roughed up and left inside the locked apartment with the dead body of his ex-boss Mewco, the sleazy ex-mercenary. The acid from a broken battery burns his side. He strips the clothes, weapons and face-mask from Mewco to use as a disguise. In an attempt to raise the alarm and escape he sets fire to the apartment.

"Chapter 1.06: Crash landing"

After escaping through the window and using the weak auto window-cleaning droid he reaches the 70th floor of the Eldora Tower. After crawling through some more venting tunnels he falls down into a deep pool of foul smelling fluid, he meets Seven again, but this time there are more copies of this cloned individual. They have captured the stewardess and her two, bulky thugs together with the metal case. They believe Hetch to be the re-born Mewco (due to the disguise and the rough voice of Hetch due to the fire and smoke).

"Chapter 1.07: Complications (by JKL)"

Hetch and the stewardess walk through the sewers and emerge into the streets where they are drawn into an ambush down a side alleyway. Hetch kills a number of the gang members before one runs away. The stewardess picks up the gun and threatens to shoot 'Mewco' (Hetch in disguise). A rookie cop interrupts things and handcuffs her. Hetch manages to knock the cop out and they both hide back inside the Eldora Tower.

"Chapter 1.08: Short Circuit"

Two new characters Splice (a highly paranoid technician who uses drugs like a vacuum) and Trimble, a large, mean looking skin-head character who does all the heavy work for Splice. Trimble arrives dragging a huge, coffin-sized container. They both tool up with weapons before leaving Splice's lab through it's heavy security door.

"Chapter 1.09: Hostage"

Inside the service tunnel of the Eldora tower Hetch and his female companion wait until they are sure the cops outside have gone. Meanwhile two, low-IQ security guards do their rounds and nearly trip over the hiding pair. Hetch takes a short cat-nap to try and regain some energy.

"Chapter 1.10: The Dead-End."

The pair take a very grubby taxi-pod but soon run into a riot which make Hetch leave the taxi and gets shot in the middle of the street. This event is reported by Global-News channel 57-39.

"Chapter 1.11: Dead and Buried"

The body of Hetch is taken away by some troops. The stewardess takes the metal case and accepts a ride with the troops. Not before long the troop carrier is hi-jacked by Trimble and Splice who get rid of the troops and abduct her and the case.

"Chapter 1.12: A kick start"

Hetch's body is found by a cleaner inside the Aurora Complex (the huge building owned by the three, brutal McKaff brothers). He wakes up to discover all of his hardware has been taken, but is happy to see that he still has a pulse.

"Chapter 1.13: Reunited"

He is marched into the meeting room to see the McKaff brothers. There he is reunited with the stewardess. Splice, Trimble and a swipe-freak doctor also appears. Trimble is shot dead by Dakk while Wheeze and Keel (the other McKaff brothers) intimidate the remaining guests. The doctor fits a timed, explosive armband to both Hetch's and the stewardess' arm. They are ordered to find and return the case, but neither of them know where it is.

"Chapter 1.14: Hooked"

The pair walk through the city streets before Hetch leads them into a very dirty looking cafe which is filled with sleazy looking low-life characters and a fat chef. They meet Janice, a spaced out 'Narco' junkie.

"Chapter 1.15: The Contact"

A tall, heavily built character waits inside a luxury apartment drinking strong alcohol while he waits for two, unnamed visitors. After performing a frontal-lobe scan, they argue and smash his head against the inside of a full bath before leaving him on the floor with a gun and a large coffin-shaped container.

"Chapter 1.16: RETRIBUTATION??"

(in this issue)

"Chapter 1.17: Shelter"

(in this issue)

"Chapter 1.18: Reflection"

(in this issue)

"Chapter 1.19: Reality-check"

(in this issue)

To be continued...