Y2K is about to end. Nobody in the mass-media is talking about the third millennium; they consider us already living in it. But we're actually going to enter it now, if we stick to the Western calendar and forget that it's unprecise anyway, due to Pope Gregor's reforms and for other reasons. So let's regard ourselves as an elite, as the chosen people who know that Millennium III starts on January 1st, 2001.

Today is December 23. It's one day before many people will celebrate the rising level of economic activity in their countries. Although a free magazine has little to do with economic activity - unless we consider the telephone companies charging money for the transfer via the Internet -, we have decided that this is a good occasion for making you a present.

So, here is Hugi 21 - The Devil Family. Roughly 900 kbytes of articles about the usual topics (demoscene, programming, music, art, science & literature) embedded in a "horror"-style interface are waiting for you to be consumed and digested.

I want to thank all the free-lancers who helped the Hugi Core and me create another Hugi issue, especially Mali for last-minute graphics, TAD (sorry to see you leave the staff!), Makke for valuable comments on articles, Seven and Ector for taking the request for coding articles seriously, Chavez for his chip-tunes (they will suit one of the next issues fine!), the musicians features in this issue - Yero, Acumen and Exodus - and those whose tunes will appear in a future issue, Flood, Charles Pillar and Mystery Bit for interesting graphics for future issues, and, most importantly, the dedicated writers who contributed articles.

Hereby I also want to express my gratefulness to the other members of the Hugi Core - Chris, Coax, Dario, Dendrite, Ghandy, Virtual - for their constant support. Working with you is wonderful!

I don't have much else to say here. Instead of packing all my remarks and wishes in this editorial, I've included them in the individual sections into which they fit best. So read them carefully.

Now I no longer want to stop you from diving into the world of Hugi 21. And don't forget: the authors are longing for your feedback. (If you send feedback, please include if it's private or to be published in the next Hugi.)

Adok/Hugi - 23 Dec 2000

If you're interested in the making of this issue, read

The Diary of a Diskmag Editor

...and have fun searching for a hidden tune!