The Scene Gateway
If you've ever stumbled over our url or wondered what the fuck a sceners database could be while you were reading the news in Hugi or somewhere else then here is the anser!
What is SCENET and why are we doing it? SCENET was created roughly four years ago by the hungarian Amiga demoscener Lord of Absolute, Impulse & Crimson Jihad. Lord was concentrating on email addies and first merged two old lists from Igo of TBL which was published at the "RAW Online" homepage and another from Cesium, who was a norwegian Amiga Scener from the group Session. SCENET aims to be a kind of gateway for all kind of Sceners or those people who are interested into the Scene. It wants to give you the possibility to find good old contacts/friends you've possibly lost during your time of inactivity. It can be also a helpful door to enter the Scene for newcomers or just a way to inform yourself about it. If you're searching for scenerelated email addies, personal or group related homepages, telnet ip's from boards, good newsgroups, active irc channels etc. then SCENET will fulfill your needs!!!
Lord has done about 20 issues of the database under the label "SCNET" and released them as lha-archives in the Amiga boards and in the Aminet. In 1998 nearly at the end of his career he became quite lazy and after no update had seen the light for many months we decided to take over his work and renamed it into SCENET. In December 1998 the musician Evrimsson of Nuance created the homepage and thanks to this great pixeler, we were able to use some really nice but simple graphics from Leunam of Network. In April 1999 the editor Dire of Eremation took over the webmaster's job and is since this time responsible for all kind of links. Checking & working on all kind of parts of SCENET was too much work for one person. He's also updating the link section once every week. The email datas are only updated after a new issue of SCENET came out. In Spring & Summer '99 we've sent a verification email to every person who's listed in the email list. Many many people were so nice to write us back and send us a lot more support! By the way: All email adresses are verified every second month to make sure our datas keep on a fresh standard.
Also since Spring '99 we're working together with the german commercial papermag AmigaOS. On their site you'll find the latest serious Amiga links of gamedevelopers, utility coders, Amiga fanclubs and all you can imagine of.
To get the latest update leech it on our site in the DOWNLOAD area or search in the MISC area at the or dc-1 ftp servers. (SCENET32.ZIP)
Since Summer '99 we have our own domain and own email accounts. To be independant from any homepages, productions or groups became more and more important for us. We got many offers from other webmasters to move to their location but SCENET was meant as an independant production and only with an own domain we can show this in our opinion needed independance. We're still working together closely with Evrimsson & Merlin-M, the authors of the scenerelated book "Hackerland". We hope to organise a lot more "Cologne Conferences" in the future but at that time we simply thought it would be better to follow an own path instead of keeping SCENET on their site.
In August '99 we've started an own ICQ list which is currently, to be honest, rather small. Just write us an email to add yourself to the list. Thanks!
Future: A database like this is never finished, it can't contain enough adresses. The more scenerelated emails, homepages, ftp servers, irc channels, the better. Also, daily emails & links break down and become invalid. It's impossible to check everything daily, not to forget that we would surely disturb the recipients this way. If we didn't do that already.. ;-)) Not to forget that there's still a lot old material from Lord which is waiting to be veryfied. Many urls of his list are surely dead but as you know the day has only 24 hours and not more. Maybe you won't find every single url you're searching for as it's impossible to have them all but this institution should be a good starting point for your tracing. Especially as all datas are sorted in a logical way. You won't be killed by masses of unsorted shots like in case of Altavista or other search engines.
We're actually also working on a bigger party & fair calendar. If you want to check our present one, just click on "Scheduler" in the menu of our homepage.
What we need! What we need is your support. Writing a small email informing us isn't a big deal, but without YOUR help our site will vanish the sooner or later or will simply become totally uninteresting. Get active for us - 22.000 visitors in twelve months cannot be wrong!
We're also searching for more important scenerelated sites like NETWORK or the TREBEL ARCHIVE working together with us, exchanging informations and advertising for us with our buttons (and we surely for them).
So now you should know what's going on. Don't hesitate to start your email client and to mail us your suggestions, hints, tips, supportmails or whatever. We need you!