A BloB's view of the demoscene
so, at first let me answer some questions which have (probably) kicked your brains...
who am i? well, short... i am nobody... really, i am just a regular demo-viewer who has finally bought a modem so i can be more 'in' the scene, rather than just copying demos on disks (!!!) like i used to...
what am i doing here? listening to my iron maiden cds. ;D heheh... just expressing my opinion on some things i've run into the last 2 hugi issues (16 & 17)...
why do i use lowercase? i dont like shift!
part one... mum!mum! the scene is bad (again)!!!
ok ppl... let's be real... when we had the 'old' scene with fights, group wars, elite standards many ppl complained about it... we had no friendship, no help for beginners, lamers were flamed and killed in dark alleys... so it changed... ppl got more friendly, everybody helps each other (sort of), lamers become quickly accepted and treated as 'equals'... and now again you complain! decide finally what do you like and what you do not like! there is no point in trying to get everybody to act as you want to... if i dont like someone, i won't help him. and that's it! if i dont like someone i will shit him wherever i can and if someone doesnt like that and insults me he will be added to my insult-the-bastard list...
imo, we should all act as we like. so, if i dont like replay demos, i will shit on them... but if i like them, i'll tell you about it, sing it or even draw a graffiti saying 'replay loved'... and i will not try to make you think in the same way... there is no use in crying all over in every new hugi issue, action is much better than crying... so, no more 'the oldskool scene was much better' attitude, ok? just act in the way you think is right, and let others to act as they want.
part two... (lego) technicks
same as above... sceners seem concerned on the matter that mp3 is used in demos today... there is some talk about how mods are better, but we should accept new technologies... blah... blah... blah.
demos are demonstrations... as long as i am concerned they could be painted on paper as long as i can see it on my monitor... and it will be erased in a matter of seconds! the problem is not how fucking long the downloading will be, but the problem is in the quality... we all talk how good jizz and stash (for example) are. but i don't remeber any 2-3 megs demo worth mentioning... use whatever fucking tech you want, use asm, use dos, linux, use wincoding, directx, voodoooooo, tnt, anything.. just make it fucking good and make me remember you!
(just to make you understand... 2-3 weeks ago i found melon dezign's homepage... i almost started to cry of happiness... all the mods are on my hd now... and so will be the demos if i get my a500 up and running.)
part three... docking computer on... hit it strauss!!!
should we have elite? oh yes we do! we fucking do! so, act as kings... be high in the skies, so i am motivated to do something interesting and great. don't let me be proud of my lame flickering 3d engine... piss, shit and kill me on sight if i dare to release it! if we want some prosperity we need competition. as simple as that. maybe we need a new scener named Adolf H. or Muss O' Lini?
ok, that's all that i wanted you to know, you lazy bastards... i won't make tad's mistake, so dont reply me on this matter. i won't listen to you anyway.
and remember what spaceballs said... QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY (my god, a shift!)