Most Popular PC Diskmags/Newsletters
01. [ * ] - Hugi - 234
02. [ ] - Fleur - 58
03. [new] - Demojournal - 38
04. [ * ] - Shine - 37
05. [ ] - Measure (Polish) - 25
06. [ ] - Imphobia - 24
07. [ ] - Pain - 18
08. [ ] - Daskmig - 8
09. [new] - Amber - 7
09. [new] - Tankard (Polish) - 7
09. [new] - Dragon (Polish) - 7
09. [new] - Hacker (Russian) - 7
This chart is pretty clear. Generally, all inactive diskmags except Daskmig show a falling tendency. Thus Imphobia, not many years ago the unquestionable number 1, has exchanged its position with the recently stronger growing Fleur. It was even beaten by the Polish-language magazine Measure.
From place 9 on, a vast number of mainly local diskmags in other languages than English follow. Due to the low number of stronger mags, Tankard, Dragon, and Hacker managed to enter the top ten.