Scene Spirit
Written by HoTWire
The true scene spirit is many things:
- Entertainment
- Caring about if (insert name) is a member of (insert name) or (insert name) and why they quit (insert name)
- Caring about your scene friends and not just as people who are between you and the 1st prize
- Having fun
- Caring only about winning
- Worrying if (insert number 1 groups name) is going to be competing in the same competition as you
- Group wars (everyone says they hate them, but in fact everyone loves them)
- Worrying if your friends will like your demo
- Enjoying the group your in
- Worrying if anyone will like your demo
- Worrying if you have made a good demo, if you can do it again
- Not caring if anyone actually liked your demo (as long as you did)
- Not caring about what your friends have made, just as long as they remain friends
- Enjoying demos
- Trying to explain to your real life friends what it is you actually do with your computer
- Trying harder to explain the same thing to your parents
- Explaining to your parents that if anyone asks for (insert scene name) that is in fact you
- Making many friends
- Probably making equal enemies
- Innovation
- Communication
- Friendship
However the greatest essence of true scene spirit is:
- Arguing about demos with other people :)
- HoTWire/Tesko