The Guide To Demo/Music Scene Related CDs

Written by Dan Wright

The purpose of this guide (FAQ) is to inform you about the latest developments regarding demo/music scene CDROMs. I try to keep it up to date and list some older, perhaps out of print CDs, so you know what is out there. If you know of any items (CDs) not on this list, incorrect links, or any errors, please let me know.

If you decide to order I recommend contacting the producer / distributor for up to the minute pricing information (the dollar is always changing). Most prices are quoted in US dollars and do not include postage.



Bjorn Lynne ( is now distributing several CDs including: Dreams2, and Scene Pixel Graphics data CDs and The Best of the Amiga Scene, and Chris Hlsbeck and Allister Brimble audio CDs.

Lynne is working on making his web site into a collective place where you can buy most of the scene-related CDs. For those interested in his older work the Dreamstate album is back in stock. His new album isms will be out soon under Lynne's pseudonym Divinorum. And finally, Jogeir Liljedahl's new CD The Wanderer will be released Q4 of this year on Lynne's record label LynneMusic Productions. For more information visit Lynne's web page.

TRSI Recordz' newest release is Electroacidfunk II which contains a mixture of Electro-Trance-Acid and Funk influences from various DJ's/musicians. This CD is such a large project (various labels involved) that it can be found at local retailers or if you want the best price then check out Cyberlogik 4.5 is scheduled to be released in October.

The winning Assembly 98 PC demo GATEWAYS mentioned a new audio CD by a couple of the group's musicians. The album is called Mindtrap and more information can be found at Basically there is 61 minutes of music on the CD with 14 songs by Nitro and one by Teque. All for $12.

All HTML links (not including E-mail) on this list have been verified working as of 21 August 1998.

Morbid Minds has a couple Sampling CD-ROMS out called Morbid Elements Sampling CD-ROM and Vocal Elements Sampling CD-ROM. Check out their web page for more details.

I'm not sure what happened to KOSMIC's Opportunity CD. This CD is supposed to contain works by Bjorn Lynne, one of the great FC musicians, and a few other notables. If it sounds too good to be true then it probabaly is.

I have heard no word on when A.C.E. #5 is due out. I do know they have taken down their BBS but they plan on putting it back up so users can access via the Internet.

Dreams 2 is officially out. Check out the web page for further details. PL did a great job and the ART looks fantastic.

Stephane Picq (Dune, Lost Eden) has a new album out called RiverWorld. The says the following about Riverworld:

From stone-age to cyber erae, an attempt to explore the music through time and space, between technology and ethnology. Mixing synths sounds with ethnic instruments, trip-hop rhythms and african percussions with techno-ambient, Riverworld tries to anticipates the multi-ethnic culture of the future. A kind of "sonic snapshot" of our planet, taken from a distant sputnik...

The first compilation of the MMM series containing musics from Dune, Megarace, Dragon Lore 2, Obscura and many others will be available this autumn. Also in preparation are Atlantis 2 and Chronicles of the Black Moon.


                 CDs              ACE CD #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
                 Contact          A.C.E. +33 (0)1 45 88 75 48
                                  Association ACE,
                                  43 rue de clichy
                                  75009 - PARIS, FRANCE
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1994, 1995, 1996, 1997

A.C.E. is an official non profit association controlled by French laws. Currently there are four A.C.E. CDs (1000 of each pressed) available. These CDs are made by scene people for other scene people and not for personal profits - all the money made goes into paying for phone lines, BBS hardware upgrades, and for production of the next CD. This is not a commercially produced CD. ACE is willing to sponsor demo parties and offer their ACE CDs as prizes (e-mail for more details). None of these CDs are BBS ready and none of the prices include shipping. Shipping cost for one or two volumes is 40FF for people in the EEC or $6.5 for people in the USA and include a high-quality protective package. Cash, money orders or bank transfers are acceptable.

ACE CD#1: Contains most of the PC productions from the beginning of the scene to October 94 except ASM'94. SOLD OUT. However, a limited edition (about 300) of this CD will be released with new cover art and older files that didn't make the original press. This CD is due out sometime in the latter part of 1997. Price will be around $16.

ACE CD#2: Contains PC releases from October 94 to June 95 including ASM'94. It also includes 2000+ modules. About 5 of these CDs remain at $13.

ACE CD#3: Contains almost all the demos on PC released between 6/95 and 6/96. 367 demos, 338 intros, demo mags, music disks, 750+ modules, etc. Cover art by the mighty Zebig. This is a double CD (1.2 Gigabytes) and sells for $16 (100FF).

ACE CD#4: Biggest GFX collection worldwide. Bitmaps are coming from C64, CPC, Atari, Amiga, and PC. Collected and classified by ZEB/Orange and Made/Bomb. Plus almost all the demo releases from 6/96 - 3/97. Like ACE #3 this is a double CD and sells for $17 (100FF).

ACE CD#5: Due out sometime around mid/late 1998 this CD is the follow up to ACE CD #4 with all the new releases. It will be a three to four CD package with a special bonus part that every scener will love. Price should be around $16 US or lower.


                 CDs              BLACK PHILES 1, 2, 3
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1996, 1997

 Contains  some  demo-related  material,  programming  information,  and  other
 assorted  files  and  utilities  that are  useful  to  demo  coders. The Black
 Philes-3  is  the third CD-ROM in the  philes  CD-ROM series. It contains over
 15,000  new  exciting  textfiles and more  than  600  packed megabytes of data
 about:  Anarchy, Hacking (Internet, Java, UNIX/Linux...), Cracking, Phreaking,
 Magazines, Blue Boxing, Conspiracy, UFO's, Drugs, Occult, Sub Cultures, Jokes,
 Survival, Security, Hardware/Electronics, Computers, Internet, and more. Being
 sold for $20-$25.


                 CD               BNOPLUB
                 WEB Page
                 Released         November 1996

 A  non-commercial scene CD produced in  the Netherlands by the Amiga demogroup
 Chiparus.  BnoPlub  is  a collection of  the  best  demos between Wired'95 and
 Wired'96  plus about 1500 sources, dos utils, and more - basically a backup of
 the  Blue  Nose Productions BBS. All the  CDs are currently destributed on TDK
 CD-R  medium and sell for $20. For those interested this CD has all the "mono"
 releases -


                 CD               CD-R of demos, music, etc.
                 Released         1996

 Need  a scene CD? Perhaps with some specialized material on it or old material
 none  of the other CDs seem to have? Well,  Marcus is making a few CDs you may
 be  interested  in.  He  has a "best of" demo  CD,  a  CD with a lot of Delphi
 components  on  it, and is currently working on  a CD with the best C-64 tunes
 (in MP3 format). All CD's are of the CD-R type and sell for $17.


                 CDs              DREAMS "THE DEMOSCENE ARCHIVE"
                                  DREAMS 2 "THE DEMOSCENE ARCHIVE VOLUME 2"
                 WEB Page
                 Released         Summer 1996, Summer 1998

 Jeff,  AKA  Darkness of Imphobia, pressed 1000  DREAMS CDs. This CD is a "best
 of"  scene  material through July 1996.  Demos, intros, music, diskmags, scene
 reports  (the Wired one by Subnormals is  excellent), party results, and a ton
 of  great graphics by some of the  scenes' (including Amiga) best artists. The
 CD  sells  for 400 Bfr - approximately $13  US - not including postage. It has
 full  color  art  and  many of the files  can  be  run  directly off the CD. A
 recommend collection for the true scener or anyone who wants to impress others
 with some of the best PC scene productions.

 DREAMS  2  "the Demoscene archive Volume 2",  was  released at WIRED '98 (July
 '98).  This  dual (2 CDs) CDROM includes  all the best productions released on
 the PC Demoscene from June 96 to July 98, as well as the largest collection of
 new  scene  graphics  ever  -  more  than  4800  new  pictures  classified  by
 author/theme,  including  unreleased  material,  gathered  from  all  the best
 artists on PC and Amiga. The 2 CDs pack sells for about (only!) 14 US$.


                 CDs              ESCAPE and FREEDOM
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1994, 1995

 These two CDs contain music (digital audio) from Snowman's "Music Contest" and
 demos/misc  scene  related items. Escape was  produced in 1994 and followed up
 with Freedom in 1995. Both items are sold out.


                 CD               GROOVY BYTES
                 Released         1996

 A  German  made CD full of some of  the most famous music crews (Amiga?). EMS,
 Azure  Sky,  HBE, MoM, Sky Jump Team,  and  a few others are represented. Ansi
 packs,  samples, sound tools, texts and lots  of rave party flyers can also be
 found  on the Groovy Bytes CD - produced by Brain Teaser/FCO. All this for $13
 plus shipping.


                 CD               HISTORY CD
                 Released         Spring 1997

 The  History CD claims to be the  "The Only -TRUE- Demo/Intro Collection." And
 for  $23  US  it sure as hell better be.  Actually  I  think this CD is a CD-R
 created  CD thus the reason for the higher than normal price. The infofile was
 too  difficult to read so if you  want more information you better send E-mail
 to guy above.


                 CDs              HORNET MODS VOLUME #1
                                  HORNET MODS VOLUME #2
                 E-mail  (Christopher Mann)
                 WEB Page (CDROMs)
                 Released         July 1997, October 1997

 The  Hornet  MODS  Volume  1 CDROM contains  1,669  songs,  80 music disks, 36
 utilities, and 15 files related to music competitions. All of these files were
 catalog on the Hornet Archive between 27 Jan 1997 and 27 May 1997.

 Volume  2  is the first Hornet CDROM  since "Freedom" to feature both an audio
 and  a  data CD. This CD features 19  audio tracks: the top 10 Veteran entries
 from  MC5, the top placed Intermediate and  Rookie entries from MC5, the top 3
 Veteran  places  from MC4, and 4 other  selected  tracks. The data CD includes
 files  cataloged on the archive between 27 May 1997 and 01 Sep 1997. The price
 for Volume 2 is a bit higher than Volume 1 (because of the audio CD).

 These  CDROM are built to run under  MSDOS, Windows 95/NT, Linux, and FreeBSD.
 The  prices are $20 for #1 and $30 for #2 but a little cheaper by subscription
 ($15).  Each  volume  of the Hornet MODS  collection  is unique (no overlap of


                 CDs              HORNET UNDERGROUND #1
                                  HORNET UNDERGROUND #2
                 E-mail  (Christopher Mann)
                 WEB Page (CDROMs)
                 Distributor (one of many)
                 Released         June 1996, August 1997

 Hornet  Underground Volume 1 contains the entire collection of demos that were
 on The Hornet Archive ( up until June 1996. It sells for
 $20 but is much cheaper in quantity. I recommend this CD to anyone who wants a
 nearly  complete PC demo collection from its beginnings up to Mid 1996. If you
 are  interested in buying this CD  check out and other
 Walnut  Creek distributors and you should be able to purchase it for less than

 Volume  #2  was  released  in August 1997  and  contains  the last 650 megs of
 cataloged files on the Hornet Archive excluding /music directory up to July 8,


                 CD               HOT SCENESTUFF CD
                 Contact          St. Petersburger Str. 27
                                  D-18107 Rostock, Germany
                 WEB Page
                 Released         Early 1996

 Contains  demos,  music,  ansi,  and  general  scene  related material. ZYKLOP
 Software  (out  of Germany) does have an  information  package on the CD which
 gives  a  better overview than my short rant.  The CD is available for $15 not
 including shipping.


                 CD               HOT SOUND & VISION
                 Released         1993, 1994

 There  have  been two Hot Sound and  Vision compilations thus far with a third
 planned  since 1995. I've gotten no confirmation whether the third CD has been
 or  will  ever be released. The first  two CDs contain demos, music, pictures,
 games  (shareware / freeware), FLI files and other "multimedia" related items.
 HS&V  1  came out in 1993 with HS&V  2  following up in September of 1994. The
 back  cover  of HS&V 2 says "Don't  waste  money hunting around for multimedia
 with  your modem! Buy this CD instead  and experience the finest collection of
 graphics  in  the World, as assembled  by champion Internet Surfer Rob Barth."
 Basically the Hot Sound and Vision CDs are the latest uploads to the Sound and
 Vision BBS. Originally priced around $20-$30.


                 CDs              KFMF ARCHIVES CD #1 (1992-1996)
                                  KFMF ARCHIVES CD #2
                 Contact          Kosmic
                                  553 Thoreau Terrace
                                  Union, New Jersey 07083-9044
                 WEB Page
                 Released         May 1997, March 1998

 The Kosmic Archive CD Volume #1 does exist! Over six hundred have been shipped
 to  date.  Included  on  the CD are  four  D/A  tracks, the complete 1992-1996
 releases  of  Kosmic, a large sample library,  etc. The price is $12 including
 shipping and the order from can be found on the KFMF web site.

 On  the  Kosmic Archive CD Volume #2 (dual  CD) you will find: all Kosmic 1997
 music and demo releases (both compressed and uncompressed), latest versions of
 many players and trackers for all platforms, and a large (about one hour long)
 audio CD portion featuring great new tracks from Kosmic artists like Inspekdah
 Deck,  Khyron, Jazztiz, Screamager, Legend and  Maelcum. This dual CD contains
 two discs, one CD-ROM and one hour-plus long audio CD, which was mastered with
 the aid of a professional engineer. The price is $15.


                 CDs              MAZZIVE INJECTION SERIES
                                  TRACKED WORX & NO. 1 INSTRUMENTS
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1997, 1998

 Tracked  Worx contains 500 selected songs (mostly  XMs and ITs) sent in by the
 authors  and is available for $13 (incl.  p&p) to every single country on this

 No.1  instruments  contains  more than 2600  samples,  each  one in 2 formats:
 single  samples  are  stored as XI and  WAV,  multisamples  as XI and SF2. All
 sounds  were sampled with an external high  quality 20 bit AD/DA converter and
 digitally  transferred  into the computer - this  means bye bye to the typical
 "homebrewed"  stuff of my first CD. All  samples (except the drums and fx) are
 tuned.  Expect a major update in overall  quality and usability. This time the
 CD is filled up to the edge. The price is 23$ (incl. p&p).

 The bundle of both CDs is 30$ (incl. p&p).


                 CD               MEKKA AND SYMPOSIUM 1997
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1997

 Contains  all the stuff from Mekka and Symposium 97, Mekka 96, Sym 95, Sym 96,
 680XX  Convention  93, 10k pictures from MS97,  a  50MB MPEG movie showing the
 whole  party and much more. Not a CD-R.  The price is $14 US or 20DM including


                 CDs              MODS ANTHOLOGY #1 & #2
                 WEB Page
                 France  (A.C.E.)
                 Released         May 1996, 1998?

 A  massive  4 CDROM-Set, 18,000+ files  (Protracker, S3M, XM, Amiga Synth...).
 Many,  many, artists represented (with  their OWN permission, info-files, pics
 and previously unreleased mods!) from the origins of the scene (Amiga days) on
 up to early 1996 featuring most of the best PC-Multichannel musicians. This CD
 is   readable   under  all  major   platforms   (MS-DOS,  Win,  Mac-Os,  UNIX,
 Amiga-DOS...)  and  sells for $45 plus $3.95  shipping for those in the US via
 the  US distributor however, this CD can be gotten from A.C.E. (see above) for
 $26 plus shipping. This CD does lean more towards the Amiga than PC musician.

 Mods  Anthology Volume 2 is currently in  the works and should be out sometime
 in 1998.


                 CDs              MORBID ELEMENTS SAMPLING CD-ROM
                                  VOCAL ELEMENTS SAMPLING CD-ROM
                 WEB Page
                 Released         October 1997, August 1998

 The  Sampling CD-ROMS produced by Morbid  Minds contains of a large collection
 of  Samples for use with trackerprograms. All  samples are in both formats WAV
 and XI on the CD.

 The complete material was produced in a professional Studio.


                 PARTY CDs        ASM94, TP94, ASM95 (eRAVE1)
                                  ASM96 (eRAVE2)
                 WEB Page
                 Germany (ASM96, ASM95, TP4)
                         (all ASM CDS)
                 Released         1995, 1996

 Want all the productions from the biggest demo parties in the world - ASSEMBLY
 in  Finland and THE PARTY in Denmark? Then you might want to get one or all of
 these  party  CDs. They all contain  demos,  graphics, intros, and video clips
 from the parties. A well done menu interface makes it appealing even to people
 unfamiliar  with  demos and how to  get them running. Very professionally done
 and  priced  according - $30-$40 initially. The  ASM94 CD was created by Sound
 Solutions  and  is being sold by Christian  for  the "cheap price" of $10 plus
 shipping.  You can also get the ASM'95 CD ($19), HSS CD ($15), and a few other
 CDs  from  Christian. The TP94 and ASM95  CD  were created by ROMWARE who sold
 their  remaining  rights  and stock to  Amable  is the German
 distributor  of  the  ASM96  CD  ($25).  Prices  will  vary  depending  on the


                 CDs              PROGRAMMERS HEAVEN
                                  PROGRAMMERS HEAVEN 2
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1996, 1997

 The Programmers Heaven CD-ROM is the ultimate collection of files and programs
 for  the  serious  software  and hardware  developer.  It  contains  over 8500
 exciting  files  and more than 630  packed  megabytes of: demos, graphics (3D,
 vector  graphics, raytracing, etc.), Sound  (SB, Gravis, MIDI), utilities, law
 and copyrights, FAQs, specifications, Delphi, Visual Basic, C, C++, Assembler,
 Internet,  hardware, computers, Amiga, Atari, network, AI and Neural Networks,
 Pascal, game sources, and more.

 The  Programmers Heaven 2 CD is the  follow-up to the first Programmers Heaven
 CD-ROM  that was released earlier this year. The CD-ROM contains over 4100 new
 files  and  over  600 packed megabytes  of  information  about every aspect of
 programming  that  you  can  imagine. Please  note  that  this  new CDROM only
 contains files that are not found on the first Programmers Heaven CD-ROM.

 You  will find tons of sourcecodes, routines, utilities, tutorials, textfiles,
 compilers,  specifications about: Demos, JAVA,  graphics (3d, vector graphics,
 raytracing,  etc),  Sound (SB, Gravis,  MIDI),  utilities, law and copyrights,
 FAQs,  specifications,  Delphi,  Visual Basic,  C,  C++,  Assembler, internet,
 hardware,  computers,  network, AI and  Neural Networks, Pascal, game sources,
 and more.


                 CDs              SCENE'96
                 WEB Page
                 Released         March 1997, 1998?

 The Scene96 CD is OUT. This dual CD contains all the best demos, intros, mags,
 texts,  music,  grpahics,  and tools released  between  The  Party 5 ('95) and
 February  '97. This CD has a production run  of 500 and is selling for $25 not
 including  postage. Zyklop - the producers of this and HSS - now accept credit
 cards  along with the usual cash, check, and money transfers. Those interested
 should  request  an info package from Christian  that describes the CD and its

 The  Scene'98  CD will cover all releases from  early 97 to early 98. This two
 disk  volume  will  contain all of the  usual  demo,  intro, mags, music, gfx,
 tools,  games,  trackers,  players, artpacks, etc.  Estimated  cost  is $25 US
 (40DM). Free gimmicks with every order.


                 CD               SCENE ART VOLUME 1 - PIXEL GFX
                 WEB Page
                 Released         December 1997

 SCENE  ART  contains  the  all time best  pixel  graphics  by some of the most
 talented  scene (Amiga, Atari, PC) artists.  This collection will include many
 new and unseen pictures as well as a massive collection of bitmap fonts, slide
 shows, logos, editors, viewers, and graphic tools. All for $10 US (19DM).


                 CD               THE SOUND SITE CDROM
                 Released         1993

 Contains  253 megs of "MOD" and older related music files (669's, STM's, etc).
 Basically a lot of stuff that was on the ftpable SOUND SITE. Contains a pretty
 good  collection  of modules for the time.  Cost around $10-$15 and may not be


                 CD               TRIBUTE VOLUME ONE
                 Released         1995

 Contains  a pretty diverse collection of scene musicians (91) and a variety of
 categorized  music.  This is a jam packed  and professionally done CD with all
 the  music  files compressed. Great for a BBS,  good  as an archive. The CD is
 cost about $18 without postage.


                 CD               THE ULTRASOUND EXPERIENCE
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1994

 If you are lucky you will be able to find this mix-mode CD at a computer store
 in your neighborhood (try Babbages). It sells for around $5 and is marketed to
 compare   the  GUS  with  other  sound  cards  through  the  major  multimedia
 presentation on that data portion - which accesses the digital audio tracks on
 the  CD. The CD also contains demos, music, and other misc items that could be
 found on the Gravis BBS back in 1994.


                 CD               X'95 CD
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1996

 Christian  created the HOT SCENESTUFF CD  and is the international distributor
 for  Sound Solutions. This CD sells for  $6 plus $4 for worldwide shipping. It
 covers  all  releases  at  Holland's  biggest  demo  event  in  1995  -  X'95.
 Additionally  the  CD  contains all of  ACME's  releases.  As of November 1997
 Zyklop has officially sold out of the X95 CD.



                 CD               THE BEST OF THE AMIGA SCENE
                 Contact          TBOTAS
                                  c/o Elmqvist & Persson
                                  Idunvagen 31
                                  136 42 Haninge
                 Released         1994

 This  entire  CD  was  created  using an  Amiga  -  obviously  it shows in the
 art/sound  quality  (i.e. not that good). I  do  recommend this CD to die hard
 scenesters because it does contain a wide selection of scores from great Amiga
 musicians (18 tracks at 74:09 minutes). Cost is $14 or $15 without postage but
 do check to see if this CD is still in print before ordering.


                 CDs              CYBERLOGIK (1994)
                                  CYBERLOGIK 2.0 (1995)
                                  CNCD (1995)
                                  X2 (1996)
                                  CYBERLOGIK 3.11 (1996)
                                  SHADES (1997)
                                  ELECTROACIDFUNK II (1998)
                                  CYBERLOGIK 4.5 (OCTOBER 1998)
                                  LITHIUM DREAMS (NOVEMBER 1998)
                 Contact          +43-1-9846252
                                  TRSI RecordZ
                                  Attn. Mr. Alex Brunnere
                                  Schanzstr. 15-17/3/46
                                  A-1140 Vienna
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1994-1998

 Interesting  musical productions brought to you by TRSI Recordz. Yes, the same
 group that did all those intros and demos.

 CYBERLOGIK  -  70 minutes of  trance/hardtrance.  Artist Hi-Lite, Cortex/Garry
 Trace!, Dreamfish, Boosta, Reanimator, Archangel, Fuzz and more.

 CYBERLOGIK  2.0 - 74 minutes of trance/jungle/house music from Heatbeat, Groo,
 ArchANGEL, Scorpik, Chromag, Deshay, Boosta and a couple others.

 CNCD  -  65 minutes of ambient/funk by  the  CNCD crew (all CNCD musicians and
 Herbie  Hancock).  This great collection of  music has unfortunately been SOLD
 OUT and is no longer available.

 X2 - A Dr. Awesome (Bjorn Lynne) release. A bit faster and harder than typical
 Lynne music.

 CYBERLOGIK  3.11  -  72 minutes of  smooth  trance/drum and bass. This special
 limited  edition features Da Jormas,  Mortimer T., Substance, Boosta, Scorpik,
 Braindead/Scoopex, Dace and a few others.

 SHADES   -   A  funk/ambient-trance   album  by  Nightshade/Crusaders  (Andrew
 Barnabas). Mixes analog and synth music. Some singing/rhythms sound a bit like
 the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

 ELECTROACIDFUNK II - 74 minutes of electro/trance/funk/acid.

 CYBERLOGIK 4.5 - Over two hours of trance/ambient/drumb and bass.

 LITHIUM DREAMS - Hard trance compilation.

 All  the  CDs  come  in jewel cases  with  professional  artwork and have been
 remixed in a "professional studio". All these CDs are mastered/pressed by SONY
 DADC  in  Salzburg/Austria  and sell for  $15  except Elextroacidfunk II which
 sells for $18 (not including postage).

 Upcoming  releases  included Angel DUST, by  allmighty Archangel, In ROLAND we
 trust  by  Altered States (trance), and  another  trance album by Dr. Awesome.
 Planned  and in progress releases include CNCD  2, debut by Codehead, debut by
 Scorpik and Raven, and one more surprise release. For more information contact
 Alex at the address listed above.


                 CD               FIRST CONTACT: KAWAIIS FROM OUTER SPACE
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1996

 Nebula,  a  new  scene "label/group" released  their  first CD with songs from
 Stalker,  DJ Tek, Mysterium, Timelord, Geomancer,  and Harry. Sample clips (in
 MPEG audio format) from this CD can be found on Nebula's web page. Most of the
 music  leans  toward a demoish dance (not  quite techno) beat while some tunes
 have  a spacy Purple Motion feel. It is a good first start even though no song
 stands  above  any  other  on this $9  CD.  For  those  interested this CD was
 mastered to DAT using a Sound Blaster AWE.


                 CDs              FUTURE SHOCK 2
                                  THE TECHNOBEES
                 Contact          Eric 'Sidewinder' Giesete
                                  Sidewinder Productions
                                  8611 Cape Valley
                                  San Antonio, TX 78227
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1994, 1997

 From  the Sidewinder page I quote "If  you like totally electronic techno made
 from  digital  sampling (direct from 2  Amiga computers tied into professional
 studio  equipment) with everything from jazzy  paino leads to screaming synths
 all on solid pounding techno beat you might like this 74 minute plastic." Cost
 $12  plus postage. Eric also has a couple $5 tapes (Insatia, and Analyzer) for
 sell.  I understand Sidewinder was a pretty decent Amiga Techno musician a few
 years back.

 Sidewinder's newest CD project The Technobees was released in late 1997.


                 CDs              FTZ "NOTHING IS TRUE" (1995)
                                  MAELCUM "LOW GREY CLOUD" (1997)
                                  ANONYMOUS HATE (1998)
                                  bINARY.eXPANSION (1998)
                 WEB Page
                         (secure online credit-card)
                 Released         1995-1998

 Dan  Nicholoson (aka Maelcum of Kosmic) started up  a record label - AREA 51 -
 back in 1994/95 when a he released the FTZ compilation. Since then things have
 picked up a little and several new CDs are being seen under the AREA 51 label.
 Don't  look  for any "eye candy" in any  of  the older/CD-R releases as all of
 these productions contain B/W inserts.

 FTZ  is  a  tecnho  collaboration between Dan N.  and  Riku  N.  So if you are
 familiar  with  some  of  Dan's  music and enjoy  it  then  this  CD will be a
 worthwhile  addition to your music library. These CDs are currently being sold
 without  their  original  B&W  photocopied covers for  $8  ppd  US and $10 ppd
 elsewhere  but  only if you mention you heard  about the CD from this Scene CD
 Guide. FTZ is now into its second pressing (500 more).

 Low  Grey Cloud is Maelcum's latest production  and was limited edition of 100
 audio  CD-R  discs of some of his  personal  favorite songs, new and old. This
 collection  has since sold out but due to popular demand Maelcum will be doing
 a  second run with the songs remastered at  a studio and in a different order.
 Each  disc  is signed and numbered and  there  is a laser-printed booklet. The
 price is $15 plus shipping. Once again, quantity is limited so e-mail to check
 availability before ordering.

 Anonymous is a CD-R with laser printed label and cover from B00MER of KFMF.

 As the Binary Expansion page of area51 explains it "Your universe is expanding
 beyond  words,  far beyond images, and deeper  into thought. This is music for
 such  a  future. This is music to survive  a  new millenium; a new world order
 ruled  by 0 and 1." This is an Area51 release by theHacker. It is available on
 CD-R with laser printed labels and covers.


                 CDs              HOBBITS & SPACESHIPS (1992)
                                  MONTAGE (1994)
                                  DREAMSTATE (1995)
                                  WITCHWOOD (1996)
                                  THE VOID (1997)
                                  DECADE (August 1997)
                                  WIZARD OF THE WINDS (April 1998)
                 WEB Page
                 Distributors     Many - visit web page
                 Released         1992-1998

 Bjorn  Lynne,  aka Dr. Awesome, has been  churning out scene music since 1987.
 Many  of his early MODs can still be found on the bigger internet music sites.
 Bjorn  considers his music "melodic synth-rock with changing atmospheres." The
 most  recent  of Bjorn albums are "fully  commercial"  CDs and can be found in
 well  stocked  stores throughout Europe.  More information, including pricing,
 can be gotten from Bjorn's WEB page. Bjorn Lynne (under the Dr. Awesome alias)
 also  did  a  song on the TRSI "SHADES"  CD  released during the Spring of 97.
 DECADE,  is  Bjorn's  first self published release  which  is  a mixed mode CD
 contain all of Dr. Awesome's music and more.

 Wizard of the Winds CD is the latest Lynne production and is due out in April.
 Lynne  tells me it will be hitting  store shelves worldwide. So, with any luck
 you  can find it on the shelf at  your local super store. Course, half the fun
 is having something no one else can easily get.


                 CD               HORNET MODS VOLUME #2
                 E-mail  (Christopher Mann)
                 WEB Page (CDROMs)
                 Released         October 1997

 Volume  2  is the first Hornet CDROM  since "Freedom" to feature both an audio
 and  a  data CD. This CD features 19  audio tracks: the top 10 Veteran entries
 from  MC5, the top placed Intermediate and  Rookie entries from MC5, the top 3
 Veteran  places  from MC4, and 4 other  selected  tracks. The data CD includes
 files  cataloged on the archive between 27 May 1997 and 01 Sep 1997. The price
 for Volume 2 is a bit higher than Volume 1 (because of the audio CD).


                 CD               MINDTRAP
                 WEB Page
                 Released         August 1998

 Basically  there  is 61 minutes of music on  the CD with 14 songs by Nitro and
 one by Teque. All for $12.


                 CD               OPPORTUNITY
                 WEB Page
                 Released         Fall 1998?

 Area  51  in association with Scope Records  (Germany)  will be releasing a CD
 compilation  featuring music from such scene notables as Purple Motion, Vivid,
 Skaven, Wave and more. Check the web pages for details.


                 CD               PARALLEL DIMENSIONS
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1997?

 This  double CD has been postponed indefinitely  even though all the music has
 been  selected.  If released it will  contain  music from Mysterium Leviathan,
 Siren,  Necros, Stalker, DJ Tek, and  several others. Landslide and Nebula are
 producing this CD but a lack of funds is holding up the production line.


                 CD               PHYSIOLOGY "STRANGE WORLD"
                 Contact          LizardKing
                                  Gustav Grefberg
                                  Duvhoksv. 25
                                  85651 Sundsvall
                 Released         1994

 Gustav's  "Strange World" has a professional look,  sound, and feel to it. The
 famous  "Clastrophobia"  song  is on this CD  and  sounds much better than the
 original  MOD. I can highly recommend this  CD to those who enjoy LizardKing's
 "dos pop" tunes. The CD is priced around $15 not including shipping however do
 contact  Gustav  for exact pricing. Mr.  LizardKing has also released a couple
 tapes  which  several  people have recommended to  me.  I  have yet to find an
 E-mail  or web page for Gustav's releases  so obtaining any of his music might
 prove  a  daunting  task. The postal address  above  was correct in 1994! Good


                 CDs              SHADES (1991)
                                  TO BE ON TOP (1992)
                                  RAINBOWS (1994)
                                  SOUNDFACTORY (1995)
                 Contact          PH: 49 6103 929050
                                  FX: 49 6103 929051
                                  Chris Huelsbeck
                                  Postfach 1321
                                  63203 Langen
                 WEB Page
                         ($20 each)
                 Released         1991-1995

 Chris  Huelsbeck, a professional game musician (see listing in Game Soundtrack
 section),  has created quite a few CDs. The  ones listed above have a few game
 songs and other music. Prices for the CDs vary but you can expect to pay about
 $20-$25 including shipping.


                 CDs              SOUNDS DIGITAL
                                  BANG! TICK TICK
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1996, 1997

 Allister  Brimble,  who did music for Alien  Breed,  Project X, and many other
 Amiga  titles, now has his masterpiece etched  in glass. The Sounds Digital CD
 was "created using the very latest in synthesizer technology". Included on the
 CD  are  remixes of classic Amiga tracks  such as Project X, Assassin and many
 other new and original tunes. Cost is 10 UK Pounds (around $15) postage paid.

 Allister's  latest CD is about the creation  of the universe from the big bang
 to  the  big  crunch at the end of time.  He  is  selling the new CD for 12 UK


                 CD               SYNTAX TERROR
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1996

 Brain  Teaser, the guy who did the Groovy Bytes CD, produced this professional
 mastered  CD.  Leading German composers  like  Keith303/RR, Bomb20, Avalanche,
 Masterbeat and a few other non-computer composers can be heard on this CD. The
 music style is mainly rave / acid / hardtrance / ambient / breakbeat. The cost
 is a measly $13 (plus postage).



 I've  added this new section dedicated  to GAME SOUNDTRACKS, otherwise know as
 GAME  MUSIC,  since  some scene musicians do  go  on to write music for games.
 Eventually  some of the people we heard so  much about will have some of their
 music  in  a  game we recognize. Perhaps,  their  music  will be released on a
 soundtrack.  Bjorn Lynne, and Chris Hlsbeck are  a couple of the demo scene's
 musicians who are creating game music full time.

 For  those interested in mainstream game  soundtracks I recommend checking out  and for  a wide variety of
 video game and related soundtracks.

                 CDs              APIDYA SOUNDTRACK (1992)
                                  TURRICAN SOUNDTRACK (1993)
                                  TUNNEL B1 SOUNDTRACK (1997)
                                  EXTREME ASSULT SOUNDTRACK (1998)
                 E-mail  (Chris Huelsbeck)
                 WEB Page
                         ($20 each)
                 Released         1992-1998

 Chris  Huelsbeck,  an once veteran C64  soundtracker, can now be found writing
 professional  game  music.  In fact, he  wrote  the music for Turrican, Jinks,
 Monkey  Island,  and R-Type just to name a  few.  The prices for the above CDs
 range  from  $16.35 to $20.94 based on  a German Mark to US Dollar conversion.
 This  price  excludes shipping. Chris's latest  CD's  are the game soundtracks
 from Tunnel B1 and Extreme Assult.


                 CD               ATLANTIS
                 WEB Page
                 Released         July 1997

 The  Atlantis,  a  Cyro game, music is  composed  by  Stephane Picq and Pierre
 Esteve. It is a double CD Extra (contains music and data) and is available for
 about $26.


                 CD               DUNE SPICE OPERA BY EXXOS
                 WEB Page
                 Released         Unknown (1993?)

 Remember  the  game  DUNE? It came out in  1992  and was a decent game for the
 time.  This  CD  (originally  released  under  the  Virgin  Records  label) is
 currently  out  of  print.  However,  Stephane,  who  also  did  the LOST EDEN
 soundtrack,  say he may have the CD repressed if enough interest is expressed.
 I've  been trying to get a copy (even  on tape) since early 1997. Stephane has
 told  me  a  few  songs from this CD  are  being  remastered and released on a
 Shooting Star's MMM1 compilation.


                 CDs              LOST EDEN
                 WEB Page
                 Released         June 1997, August 1998

 After  about a year of waiting Stephane Picq finally released his LOST EDEN CD
 which  is  the  soundtrack  of the game plus  an  extra  track  or two. The CD
 contains 13 audio songs and a CD-ROM track with pictures, video and other info
 on  other CDs distributed by Shooting Star.  Check out Stephane's web page for
 audio  clips. Stephane also created the DUNE game soundtrack and released a CD
 which  has  since sold out. Be sure to  bug him about a re releasing this DUNE
 soundtrack. Being in the US this CD cost me $22 ppd.

 RIVERWORLD  is describes as music from  stone-age to cyber erae. Mixing synths
 sounds  with ethnic instruments, trip-hop rhythms and african percussions with
 techno-ambient,  Riverworld  tries to anticipates  the multi-ethnic culture of
 the  future.  A kind of "sonic snapshot"  of  our planet, taken from a distant
 sputnik. If it sounds interesting then check out the samples on the web page.


                 CDS              PROJECT X2 SOUNDTRACK (1996)
                                  WORMS 2 SOUNDTRACK (Nov. 1997)
                 WEB Page
                 Released         1996, 1997

 Bjorn Lynne, aka Dr. Awesome, works for a UK software game company called TEAM
 17.  He spends most of his days creating game music so it is only natural that
 he  released  a  few GAME soundtracks. This  is  above  and beyond the several
 synth-rock  CDs he has already created. Bjorn's  latest game CD is the WORMS 2

- Dan Wright