Here is the
complete Hugi-archive. It's best viewed with 1024x768,
then we know you have enough money to buy a new monitor, isn't it
?.When you press on
a title screen so you enlarge it. Click on the link under the title
screens to download the issue.
When you see this
sign, then you can listen (when you click on the sign and when you
have installed modplug) to the title them of the issue.
1996 Kaktus and The Real
Adok released the number 1 of the "Hugendubelexpress". Issue 1 to 8
had only German texts.
Hugi 9
started with a english section and the whole mag is redesigned.
It exist two versions of Hugi
10. One
with the (argh) MIDAS Sound System and the second
with the Indoor Music System. With Hugi 11, it exist a big english
and a big german section - one and only main editor is now Adok.
Hugi 12 if available in a DOS and a Windows Version.
Hugi 16 and Hugi 18 it exist a russian edition. Hugi 17 was the last
issue with a German part because they putt all German articles in a
seperate mag - hugi.ger.
Would you write something for
Hugi, so go to the Hugi-Homepage.