The Anti Quake Campaign - II
Additional replies from all kinds of partyorganizers

Ghandy of Darkage, Faith, Gods, Hugi

After sending out emails to anybody that has anything to do with the organisation of scenerelated parties, I've received a lot more interesting replies that could be also interesting for your eyes. If you don't have a clue what the ANTI QUAKE CAMPAIN is about, then go and read the first part of this article.

Sultan of Teklords, co-organizer of the Mekka&Symposium parties since the very beginning, has a few more ideas concerning the quake problem:

"a) Hardcore Packet Filtering on the Network-Routers..

b) Or even better - No network at all.

c) Adverts for a Party should not be spreaded like hell on every Warehouse. It schould be spreaded within the "elite" as Invitation-Intro like in former times. Trough BBSes and so on. Did TP have an Intro? I don`t think so.

d) Don`t try to do the "biggest" party - do a small party instead, then you don`t need to get "everyone" in.

TP needed all those gamblers, because there aren`t threethousand sceners anymore.. the only way to fill the halls and pay the rent was to invite everybody. The mistake is to take such big locations and to try keep a party big...

Enuff - actually I don`t organize anything. This may change sometime.... who knows:)"

Some comments: Not to provide any network would not only make gamers angry. On bigger parties it's meanwhile a kind of standard that an internet & intranet connection is offered.

To invite the elite only would not even fill one hall I guess, but I have been missing an invitation intro for THE PARTY very much. The very last one from the Polka Brothers came out in 1996 or '95 if I remember correctly. But you cannot only attack the TP people for the situation, the QUAKE MISERY isn't something that happens only every year shortly after x-mas in Denmark, it takes place in every country on every big party.

G-Hell, a member of the French PoPsY TeAm ^ARF!Studios, wrote me back the following:

"We are organizing the VIP2 (Very Important Party 2nd edition) which will held in Lyon (FRANCE) at the 7th-8th-9th July 2000. Our aim is to gather about 300 Sceners.

As a game developer I have nothing against gamers in general (go on buying games guys ;o) but, of course, I'm against gamers in Coding Parties... Due to the fact the VIP is quite a small party, it's quite easy for us to know the people who will come before the CP (CP = Coding Party) ... (By meeting people on IRC, by mail ... etc) The matter is to empeach gamers to enter, while letting new demomakers joining us.

An easy solution is to have a look at orange juice ( because gamers are not on it ;o)

I think a very good solution is to force people to subscribe to your CP a long time before the CP dates, so you can eliminate gamers from your list...

PS : It's great that someone tries to solve this problem, thanx for all !

Comment: For a small party it's easier to sort out gamers from Sceners but if you make a big party you can't do that. It's simply impossible! I have the same point of view as G-Hell, I'm no game developer, but I'm writing articles for a commercial papermag called AmigaOS. I'm especially doing game reviews and therefore I'm playing something here and there. Games aren't bad, but gamers should stay away from Scene meetings and should join pure LAN 'n Network-parties instead. It's surely one way to have a look at Orange Juice if somebody is a Scener or not but you could also look into the email list of SCENET at Just a small addy for my own SceneSite!

And now listen to the words from Gandalf of Phantasm:

"Come to MS 2000 and enjoy a quake free scener meeting !!


Comment: Hey Gandalf, nice try for an advertisment! I'm sure MS2K will be mostly quakefree, but anyway your mail won't help us to find a path out.

The orgs of The Gathering also wanted to contribute us something but right now nothing from them found its way into my incoming directory of my beloved mailer YAM. If something interesting comes along, I'll inform you.

You want to react? Good idea! Any comments are more than welcome at

Ghandy of Darkage, Faith, Gods, Hugi