

A couple of years ago I noticed this program, its name was Adobe Photoshop. Cool, I thought to myself. I tested this piece out and found it to be nice indeed. It was simple to fade, blur and all that other stuff.

The year after that I started pixeling with Grafx 2. I continued using this. Later on that very same year I started to interest myself in what is called the demoscene with the help of, among others, prof/otb and illmidus/ncl. It wasn't until now that I really started drawing, 4-5 hours per day, and that was a minimum. I started to look at other pixel guys' work and got really fascinated. All of that was tiny little dots, called pixels, put together one by one, into quite marvellous pictures, wow, I thought.

I now started up Photoshop after looking at some magnificent pics by an unnamed artist. I got really angry, where was the glory of pixeling heading towards, this total userfriendliness. Why, pixeling should be hard, not everybody should be able to do a really kicking picture, just like not everybody should be able to code a demo. I tuned out of Windows 9x and jumped right into the wonderful world of MS-DOS, to my beloved Grafx 2... .. .

I am quite aware of the fact that not many people become demosceners, but please start your career with the old hard way of doing a picture, do 8-bit. In fact it will pay of in the end if you know the real alchemy between you and your pixels.

A lot is fictional, except my emotions, in this text.
