Monthly Hugi, only my dream

Dario Phong/Hugi

Hugi #16 contained 2.1 Mb of text, most of them high quality articles. Tad suggested to make a monthly Hugi, because with the huge amount of texts this could be easily achieved. Easily achieved? Wrong.

First of all I want to apologize to the whole Hugi staff and mainly Adok. When I read "Monthly Hugi" I thought: "This would be very cool, as I would have more to read." However, it seems that I just forgot the persons behind Hugi. Their destiny is not to spend their whole lives writing just for our pleasure. They are the ones which are under a big pressure to finish a new Hugi issue. To bring high quality. And they do.

While Hugi gets a lot of positive feedback (which I'm sure helps the Hugi staff to continue their excellent job) I'm sure that they all have other projects in mind. I do not only mean computer related projects, but also they want to spend some time in their real lives.

We all know that most of the demo scene projects lack of time invested in them. The causes? We all know them. How can we expect lazyness in our job, but at the same time expect all the people behind Hugi to work at 100%? I think this is an hypocritical way of thinking. And thus we cannot expect Adok, and article writes, and the authors of gfx and music, and proofreaders, and editors, to produce a new issue every month, as this would lead to one of two situations: Either decrease of the quality. (We don't want that.) Or very high participation of the creators of Hugi. (And we just cannot demand that.)

Now that I'm the compression editor, I can understand why one month is just too short. I hope that two or three months give all the readers a lot of high quality articles, pics and sounds, and that this period also allows the persons making Hugi to do other projects, because, like me, I'm sure they have others, too.

Those are the facts. Now it's up to you to have your own opinion. But here is mine: I was hasty and thought that a monthly issue was possible. I was wrong, current Hugi releases are fine for me.

Dario Phong/Hugi